Tuesday, April 13, 2010

( 12 ApriL 2o1o / 11:56pm ) lOve tO life !

single ? lupus sudeyh..nOw aku ? tken sudeyh sygss..
tOdAy ? in my memOry..
12 hb ApriL 2o1o my imprtd days...
my status single nOw is pupus ! :)
nOw tken by mOhd azruL hishAm...
he stAy at segAmAt..n bOrn at  kL,,
tue sgt ke ? nOpe kuwt..
unLy 22..suitble wif me..
tO gurL outside !
plz okea guys..
dnt tke thiz bOy..okes thax ! :))

amin...akher dpt pgnty ssorg..
azruL thax yeah..thax coz sudy trima ssme sdry..haha
apy ? op'cOz la..
sygs ? hArus la..
jjur ? mesty lArh..hahaha
hOpe kite org kekal..AMIN...